November 2021
Brant Broughton Website is being updated.
The address will be the same but you will be taken to a new website in coming days. Please watch this space.
Meeting for Worship
in the
Meeting House
Meeting for Worship
on Zoom
Full Event Calendar
Meeting for Worship
(see above)
10:30 am.
This Month:
7th, 14th, 21st and 28th.
Hot drinks are available
after the Meeting.
We offer access to a blended Zoom Meeting for Worship with Newark Meeting as our old Meeting House doesn't have the technical ability to host a Zoom Meeting. These are held every week at the same time as the live MfW in the Meeting House. Please contact the clerks if you would like an invite.
Collection for November:
A collection for the Islamic Centre in Sleaford to be used for local Afghanistan refugees in our local area.
Welcome to the Brant Broughton Quaker meeting website.
Our meeting is centered on our Meeting House in the village of Brant Broughton, Lincolnshire and serves a wide area with many Quakers (Friends) living in the Sleaford, Newark and Grantham areas. We have grown so much in recent years that a group of us based nearer Newark have formed a new Meeting. Please press below to visit the Newark Quaker Meeting website.
We meet every Sunday at 10:30am and every third Thursday at 7:30pm for our shared silence in the Quaker tradition and all are welcome to join us.
No need for an introduction * just come along or if you would like to talk to someone first then please phone the number listed at the bottom of this page.
We're a friendly group and a warm welcome is guaranteed.
Events for November
Quaker News Magazine
If you have been missing the regular Quaker News Magazine
that was always available in physical copy in the Barn,
please note that it seems to have been replaced
by the digital format as seen below in Quake!