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Churches Together
Anne Wood speaks about our work as Quakers for
Churches Together
From John Gwatkin's Library...
As editor of this website, I feel we are extremely lucky to benefit from having access to an extensive library of Quaker and other materials from the personal library of John Gwatkin, long-time Quaker at Brant Broughton. I have asked him to consider bringing various books to our attention here on an occasional basis so watch this space-more coming soon! Meanwhile, John has asked if the entire text from the book below could be shared here on our website and, with the permission and encouragement of the publishers, I attach a button link to a pdf of the whole of the manuscript, including the original introduction from John which was not included in the printed text.
– a short introduction to Quaker achievements
Written originally as a response to Richard Dawkins’s allegation that “religion has had nothing to do with social improvement” this booklet finds a unique way of presenting Quakerism to both newcomers and experienced Friends alike. It covers achievements in pacifism, peace making, relief work, equality, democracy, human rights, human relationships and reform, education, science and the industrial revolution. The reader is left wanting to know more about the remarkable Friends who had such a powerful influence on the way we live and think today.
“A very good piece of outreach. It makes me proud to be a Friend.” John Punshon.
Copies can be obtained price £2 plus 50p postage from John Gwatkin, c/o Quaker Meeting House,
1-3 Meeting House Lane, Brant Broughton, LN5 0SH.
Click below to be taken to the whole book as a PDF file.
Newark Food Bank
09 December2020
Due to the ongoing issues of Health and Safety at this time, we are still suspending the collection of items for the Food Bank until further notice to protect the people involved in the collection and distribution of those items.
there are still things we can all do.
Have a look at this article in The Guardian:
The money raised will go straight to the
Trussell Trust for the Food Bank.
Please donate at your local food store or send a monetary donation straight to the Trussell Trust.