Young People's Page
This page shows the sort of things the children of Brant Broughton Meeting have done in the past. As of the beginning of 2019, many of our children have become young adults. We will always welcome young people to our meeting so, to find out more about our children's meeting, please contact Wendy on 01400- 273 541.
Children's Meeting Garden Project 2016
Our young people have been working this year on the creation of a 'potager' as part of the exploration of the Quaker testimonies, particularly those relating to living simply and the environment. Much enthusiasm and inspiration has been shared while we have been planning our project and excellent teamwork has prevailed throughout! With the planning stages complete and a wooden base donated and installed by Andrew James – in a corner of the new burial ground – a group of the young people met on site on April 5th, 2017 to work tirelessly with barrows and shovels to fill this base with earth and compost and then to sow their choice of plant seeds, a mixture of vegetables and flowers. We hope all Friends will enjoy following the progress of the potager and also to enjoy the fruits of the project, as it grows!